Interlacing is the process of creating an image that is viewable under a lenticular lens. It requires that you know certain parameters about your print pipeline, specifically your maximum printer dpi (DPI) and the lenses per inch (LPI) of your target lens. Also, a firm understanding of the lenticular format will allow you to create breathtaking imagery with much less trial and error. Please read the Lenticular Primer and Imaging sections for more information on lenticular imaging.
You will need to format your images properly before importing them as source into LIC. The time to preprocess your imagery will depend on your skill level and the demands of the project. Most importantly, ensure all your images are the same pixel width and height as each other. LIC will accept images of different size and proportion, but doing so may give unexpected results.
The Lenticular Primer has information on using other software to create and format lenticular images.
Ensure you have enough memory available to LIC to create the image at the size you will need.
The main steps to creating a lenticular interlaced image in LIC are:
Load and arrange your source images
Set up your output options
Create the image
The first step is to load your source images into LIC. When loaded the images appear in the image pane, allowing you to scroll through them using the slider. Use the following buttons to manipulate the your source input files:
Loads an image in from disk into the interlace list. Multiple selections can be made by shift clicking to select a contiguous group, or ctrl (osx: cmnd) clicking to multiple non- contiguous files in the file chooser selection box.
Removes the selected image from the interlace list.
Moves the selected image up in order in the interlace list.
Moves the selected image down in order in the interlace list.
If checked, verify as you move the slider it moves in the same direction as objects in the background of your 3d image. The foreground should move in the opposite direction of the slider. If the background moves in the opposite direction of the slider, uncheck the box to reverse the order the source images are interlaced.
After adding and organizing your source images set up the options for outputting the image. Examine each output option carefully.
This number is equal to the number of lenses in each inch according to your printer. Before interlacing for a specific lens, you must first calibrate your printer to the lens to ensure a clean flip and good imagery. Refer to the calibration section of the documentation for more information.
This is the DPI you want to print the image at. Run tests to ensure your printer prints well at this resolution. More information is under the Calibration section.
Image Width and Height
Set this to the desired output size.
Alignment Bars
Check whether you want alignment bars to be printed on the sides of the image to aid in registration under the lens.
Once your parameters and images are set up use the interlace function to create the interlaced image:
Begins the process of creating the interlaced image. It starts by asking for the file name and type you would like to save. All parameters are then gathered from your setup in the earlier steps, the image is then created and saved to disk.
Your image will be created in the format of your choice. LIC depends on the Java Runtime Engine (JRE) to provide formats for loading and saving, so as more of those become available in the JRE, more will be availble to you through LIC. This is why it is important to update your system to the latest JRE available.
The image creation is very processor intensive and can take time. Larger images and more frames mean more time. Very large images can take several minutes on fast machines, hours on slow machines.
Creating large format images consumes a lot of memory. Using very large source images may also be a factor in memory consumption, source images should be high resolution but need not be as high resolution as your final output image. If you get a warning about memory: increase alloted memory, reduce output image size or reduce input image sizes.